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Tobacco Dependence Treatment Quarterly Webinar
Tobacco Dependence Treatment Training Video
Dental Webinar Series Session 2: Pharmacotherapy for Tobacco Dependence Treatment (2016.02.12)
Addressing Tobacco Dependence within the NHS
Webinar: Pharmacotherapy to support smoking cessation
Addressing Equity in Tobacco Dependence Treatment
Webinar: Using e cigarettes to support smoking cessation in the NHS
Webinar: On the path to ending smoking: using the new funding
Supporting pregnant smokers: Implications of new NICE guidance and the NHS Long Term Plan
Webinar - SCIMITAR+ trial: bespoke smoking cessation for people with SMI
CRWS: Reaching People Where They're At - Smoking Cessation Treatment Delivery at Your Door
Webinar - Uniting places for a smokefree future: a system wide tobacco control approach